What is Central Committee?
There are many ‘down ballot’ races on a ballot meaning they’re lesser known, often uncontested races. The Central Committee is arguably the most ‘down ballot’ race there is. While not widely know, these races are very important in determining the makeup of the local political parties.
On the March 5, 2024 ballot each Assembly District in Alameda County will have their own list of candidates. (See the Maps page to see the Assembly Districts.)
The Alameda County Democratic Party Central Committee is the body that runs the Democratic Party in Alameda County. From the Committee’s website:
“The Alameda County Democratic Party coordinates the party’s activities throughout the county, making endorsements, organizing events and directing resources to support local, state and national candidates. Its governing body, the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, is charged under state law with overseeing the Party’s local activities and campaigns, under the general direction of the California Democratic Party. The Central Committee consists of members elected from each of the county’s State Assembly Districts, as well as the Democratic nominees for Congress, State Senate, Assembly, and State Constitutional office.”
The Central Committee is also important on the State level. Delegates to statewide conventions come from three nearly equal parts; Central Committees, ADEM elections, and elected leaders. This is known as the three-legged stool as seen in the image below.