Assembly District 16 Candidates

Seema Badar – Development Director/Parent

Seema Badar, a dedicated Development Director for Secure Justice, brings her extensive experience in fundraising and nonprofit work to her campaign for the Democratic Central Committee in Assembly District 16. Her leadership roles as President of the Muslim Democrats
and Friends Club of Alameda County, President of the Kolb Elementary PFC, Vice Chair of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, and member of the Dublin Police Chief’s Advisory Panel highlight her deep involvement in various community initiatives.

With a degree in Sociology from North Carolina State University, Seema has a deep understanding of the societal challenges faced by diverse communities. Her advocacy for social justice and safety for all is firmly rooted in her commitment to education and the promotion of equity. As the recipient of the esteemed Community Hero Award from the California State Assembly, Seema has consistently demonstrated her dedication to creating a fairer, more inclusive society. Her platform emphasizes the urgent need for policies that prioritize marginalized communities, reflecting her vision for a more just and equitable society for all.

Please vote for Seema for the Democratic Central Committee in Assembly District 16.

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